Can Dogs Eat Animal Crackers?

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can dogs eat animal crackers

We look at animal crackers with a sense of nostalgia — they often remind us of a happy childhood. Not to mention that their sweet-salty taste is irresistible.

Every pet owner wants to share memories with their furry friends. But, can dogs eat animal crackers, and do they belong in a dog’s diet?

Let’s see why the trip down memory lane with your pooch might not be the best idea.

Can Dogs Eat Animal Crackers?

Yes, dogs can eat some animal crackers if they don’t have xylitol or chocolate. Always check the ingredients.

One animal cracker is fine for dogs, but you should not overfeed them. Animal crackers are very high in fats and salt. Some contain corn syrup. Too many snacks can result in a myriad of health issues.

Ultimately, the particular ingredients in animal crackers determine how safe they are.

Are Animal Crackers Good for Dogs?

There aren’t many valuable nutrients in animal crackers. So there aren’t many health benefits for dogs.

Dogs can benefit from traces of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium in animal crackers. There is also plenty of vitamin B, which might be beneficial for brain function.

Animal crackers are high in protein, and this is one redeeming quality they do have. Additionally, they are high in fiber which can help with digestive issues.

Some people use animal crackers as dog treats for training. But this is not the best option for regular training since they are high in fat and sugar.

Are Animal Crackers Bad for Dogs?

Most animal crackers have ingredients that make them unhealthy snacks for dogs. Here are the most common ones and their effects on a dog’s health.

All-Purpose Flour

Animal crackers are typically made with all-purpose flour. This flour does offer some fiber and protein but even more carbs. The high carb content leads to weight gain, obesity, and related health issues.


Always check the salt content in a dog’s diet. Too much salt can be pretty unhealthy for your pooch and lead to high blood pressure and heart disease. If dogs eat animal crackers regularly, there is also a risk of salt poisoning.

Salt poisoning is a severe medical condition followed by dehydration, organ failure, seizures, coma, and even the pet’s death. Dogs can overconsume water to make up for water loss. This is extremely dangerous because it can cause stomach twisting and bloating.

If you notice symptoms of salt toxicity, take your dog to a vet clinic immediately.

Sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup

Animal crackers can be very high in sugar and corn syrup. While those aren’t toxic to dogs, too much sugar will lead to tooth decay, obesity, and diabetes.

If your dog is already diabetic, make sure to check ingredients and avoid excess sugar at all times. Diabetic dogs should also avoid carbs.


Commercial animal crackers often have added preservatives and chemical additives. These can be harmful to dogs with specific allergies.

Eating animal crackers with preservatives could cause an upset stomach, diarrhea, and vomiting. If your dog is allergic to additives in animal crackers, you should avoid them.

Artificial Sweeteners

Some animal crackers contain harmful artificial sweeteners. The biggest concern is xylitol because it is one of the most poisonous substances to dogs. It is extremely toxic even in small amounts and can lead to xylitol poisoning.

Xylitol poisoning causes a severe drop in blood sugar, liver failure, coma and can lead to the dog’s death. If your dog ingested xylitol, even in small amounts, take them to a vet clinic immediately.

animal crackers

Different Types of Animal Crackers

Not all animal crackers are prepared in the same way. Different types have different ingredients, so it is essential to check them before feeding them to your dog.

Let’s look at the most common types of animal crackers and their ingredients.

Can Dogs Eat Plain Animal Crackers?

Plain animal crackers have the fewest ingredients, so they are the safest option. They might not have any nutrients that benefit your dog, but also no sugar or too much salt.

They also have the least calories. However, make sure to check for xylitol as this substance is extremely toxic to dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Chocolate Animal Crackers?

One animal cracker probably won’t have enough chocolate to harm a medium-sized dog. However, it’s best not to risk it. Do not feed your dog animal crackers with chocolate.

Or any chocolate, for that matter. Chocolate is toxic to dogs because it contains caffeine and theobromine. Caffeine is a stimulant that can lead to heart problems and diarrhea.

Theobromine is a chemical similar to caffeine but more toxic. It can affect breathing and even cause death if eaten in large amounts.

If your dog ate chocolate, take them to a vet immediately.

Can Dogs Eat Frosted Animal Crackers?

Frosted animal crackers are not toxic to dogs, but they are not particularly healthy either.

They are very high in calories, sugars, and unhealthy fats. It’s best not to feed your dog frosted animal crackers regularly. Otherwise, the dog might experience an upset stomach, weight gain, obesity, heart problems, or even diabetes.

Can Dogs Eat Organic Animal Crackers?

Organic animal crackers are safe in small amounts and on rare occasions.

Make sure they are lower in calories and sugar content. Otherwise, they are just as unhealthy as regular animal crackers.

They have small amounts of vitamins and minerals that might benefit your dog. However, it shouldn’t be a regular treat or food for them, so avoid overindulgence.

Always check the ingredients and avoid if pet food contains any toxic substances.

Can Dogs Eat Barnum’s Animal Crackers?

Barnum’s animal crackers are safe for dogs in small amounts. But they do contain high-fructose corn syrup.

If a dog eats Barnum’s crackers regularly, they are at risk of developing obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

How to Give Your Dog Animal Crackers?

If you want to feed dog animal crackers, it’s best to give small pieces as an occasional treat. You could also crumb an animal cracker over the regular dog food.

First and foremost, make sure that animal crackers do not contain any harmful substances to dogs. The top of this list belongs to xylitol and chocolate. Both substances are highly toxic to dogs.

If you are giving your dog animal crackers for the first time, you should give them just a little bit and monitor their reaction. In case there is vomiting, diarrhea, bloating — stop giving your dog these treats.

Some people use animal crackers as training treats or for games. However, it might be better to choose healthier options. Animal crackers still contain a lot of sugar and fat and should not be a regular treat for your dog.

Symptoms of Xylitol Poisoning in Dogs

Xylitol is an artificial sweetener and very toxic to dogs. Even a small amount can lead to xylitol toxicity. FDA lists the following symptoms of xylitol poisoning:

  • Vomiting 
  • Decreased activity 
  • Weakness, 
  • Staggering 
  • Incoordination 
  • Collapse 
  • Seizures

Low blood sugar and liver failure are severe health problems accompanying xylitol poisoning. Sadly, these often lead to a pet’s death.

If you suspect your dog ate food with xylitol, watch out for the symptoms above. In case you notice the symptoms, take your pet to a vet clinic immediately! It’s best to call a veterinarian while you are on the way there.

Unfortunately, there is no antidote to xylitol poisoning. The vet will check the pet’s health condition and choose adequate treatment. Usually, the treatment consists of IV fluids and close monitoring of the pet’s health.

Animal Crackers Alternatives

Luckily, there are many alternatives to animal crackers that your dog will love.


Fresh vegetables are a great alternative to animal crackers. Did you know your dog loves some vegetables? Some of the better options include:

  • Bell peppers
  • Carrots
  • Celery
  • Cucumber
  • Sweet potatoes

If you choose sweet potatoes, make sure you cook them first and let them cool before serving.


Certain fruits are some of the dogs’ most loved foods. Popular options include:

  • Apples
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries

If you’d like to learn more about human foods that are healthy and delicious for dogs, check out our list with healthy human foods you can safely feed to your dog.

Animal Instinct

Dog owners may love animal crackers for many reasons, but is it safe to feed dogs animal crackers? Most of them are safe, and you can offer them to your furry friend as an occasional treat.

However, there are also dangers. Remember that animal crackers are human and not dog food. Too much salt in them can lead to sodium poisoning, which is a severe health risk. 

Additionally, some animal crackers contain xylitol and chocolate — two very toxic substances for your furry companion. Even in small amounts, each of these can cause severe health problems and even the death of the pet.

Animal crackers are best served plain, in tiny amounts, and as a rare treat. There are many treats out there your pooch will enjoy much more.

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As a dog breeder's daughter, I've always been surrounded by many dogs of many breeds. I've made it my job to learn about our furry best friends and share my findings with other conscious dog owners. My Bichon is called Piper by the way :)

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